n this exclusive interview, Simon West OBE, executive director of the Gun Trade Association, shares his extensive experience and deep commitment to the British gun trade. From his decorated military background to leading the GTA amidst evolving legislative challenges, Simon provides insight into his achievements, the current state of the industry, and his personal connection to shooting.
Simon, could you share a bit about your background and your journey
to the GTA?
I am 59 years old, married to Caroline, a fellow retired Army officer, and we reside in a former vicarage in Wiltshire. I have three adult sons. My 34-year Army career involved significant work with weapon and ammunition systems, strategic communication, and influence operations, including deployments to Northern Ireland, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. Since retiring in 2018, I have been deeply involved in leading the GTA, promoting growth and adapting to the evolving needs of the gun trade.
What accomplishments are you most proud of from your tenure at the GTA?
Since taking the helm in 2018, I have focused on reorganising the GTA to enhance our output and influence. We now operate with just three full-time staff members, each dedicated to extending our reach within the trade, enhancing membership benefits, and navigating the complex landscape of legislation and political engagement. Our efforts have significantly bolstered our advocacy and protection for the trade, emphasizing our role in safeguarding against unexpected legislative changes and criticisms, while also promoting the superior quality of British sporting firearms.
You have recently been appointed as Master of the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers. What does this role entail, and how does it influence your work
with the GTA?
We continue to do what we were set up to do, unlike many other City livery companies.
We support the gun making crafts through financial support to apprentices and a qualification scheme, and of course continue to regulate the safety of firearms through the work of the Proof House.
Never resting, we are working on an evolving project to bring together the liveries that have traditionally armed the Army. This ‘Warrior Group,’ (Gunmakers,’ Bowyers,’ Fletchers,’ Armourers and Braziers’ and Cutlers’ Companies) are working together with the Tower of London, Royal Armouries, and the Royal Collection Trust to share and celebrate the histories of our crafts.
In your view, what are the major challenges currently facing the British gun trade?
The gun trade faces a variety of challenges, from fragmented representation due to the diversity of shooting sports to the need for more efficient licensing processes. Recent tragic events have highlighted the urgency of addressing these issues, ensuring that firearms are accessible only to those properly vetted. Furthermore, as the trade undergoes transitions like moving away from lead ammunition, we are focused on managing these changes thoughtfully and effectively.
Considering the evolving nature of gun affairs, how do you see the British gun trade adapting in the coming years?
The British gun trade is continually adapting to external pressures and changes in consumer preferences. Despite predictions to the contrary, our industry has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. Changes in legislation, global events and shifting market demands have all shaped the trade, yet it remains vibrant and essential, providing a valuable, life-enhancing experience to enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Could you share your personal connection to shooting and how it influences your leadership at the GTA?
My passion for shooting is deeply intertwined with my professional life. Whether it is participating in a walked-up shoot or engaging in deer stalking, these activities not only fulfil my personal interests but also enrich my understanding of the needs and values of our community. This hands-on experience is invaluable as I lead the GTA in advocating for and protecting the interests of our members.
Lastly, what is a little-known fact about you that reflects your personal interests beyond the gun trade?
I am an avid long-distance open-water swimmer, having been an inter-services champion. When the GTA headquarters were in Tewkesbury it was ideally located for swimming in the Avon in the evenings. Sea swimming is my preferred option, though; it is a far more interesting challenge. After a career beasting my knees, swimming is the perfect sport.
Simon West OBE will be contributing a monthly column to GTI, where he will provide expert advice and insights into the evolving landscape of the gun trade. His guidance aims to empower you with the knowledge necessary to efficiently navigate the challenges of running a gun business in 2024.